Shin Hwa School is a school for rich people, attended by Goo Jun Pyo, the heir of the global corporation Shin Hwa Group, Yoon Ji Hoo, So Yi Jeong, and Song Woo Bin which form a gang called F4. Jun Pyo, the leader of F4, is the main ruffian.Geum Jan Di, who is not from rich family, ends up attending Shin Hwa School when she saves a boy from jumping off the rooftop and is given a scholarship to quiet down all the publicity the incident has caused. The entire school worships the F4 except for Jan Di. However, she holds a certain soft spot for Yoon Ji Hoo, who appears to be different from the other three. Jan Di finally speaks up against F4 to defend her friend, Oh Min Ji. From then on, she becomes Jun Pyo's main rival. Almost every time Jan Di is bullied, she is helped by Ji Hoo in some way. Jan Di and Jun Pyo's rivalry intensifies, but at the same time it is a source of amusement for him as Jan Di has now caught his attention.
Boys Over Flowers(TV series)
The cast in this drama were:
Ku Hye Sun as Geum Jan Di |
Jun Pyo is the leader of F4 (most popular guy at Shinhwa High), heir to the Shinhwa Conglomerate. He torments Jan Di after she stands up to his bullying ways, but ends up falling for her instead
Lee Min Ho as Gu Jun Pyo |
Jun Pyo is the leader of F4 (most popular guy at Shinhwa High), heir to the Shinhwa Conglomerate. He torments Jan Di after she stands up to his bullying ways, but ends up falling for her instead
Ji Hoo is a member of F4 and grandson of the Korean former-president. His musical talent catches Jan Di's attention and she begins to develop feelings for him. In the end, he developed feelings for her. He was involved in a car accident which leaves him the only survivor for his both parents have died in the accident. He has a "Driving Phobia" due to the accident.
Kim Hyun Joong as Yoon Ji Hoo |
Ji Hoo is a member of F4 and grandson of the Korean former-president. His musical talent catches Jan Di's attention and she begins to develop feelings for him. In the end, he developed feelings for her. He was involved in a car accident which leaves him the only survivor for his both parents have died in the accident. He has a "Driving Phobia" due to the accident.
Yi Jeong is known as F4's Casanova. He is a skilled potter and his family owns the country's biggest art museum
Kim Bum as So Yi Jung |
Yi Jeong is known as F4's Casanova. He is a skilled potter and his family owns the country's biggest art museum
Kim Joon as Song Woo Bi |
Woo Bin is F4's other playboy. His family runs a large construction company and has important connections to an underground organization, hinted to be the mafias.